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Site Contact Reps

GELA/SHS - Lynn Betterton

IDEA/iGrad Business Office - Lita Goodall

IDEA/iGrad Wasilla - Jolene Kinsland

IDEA/iGrad Palmer - Heather Amgwert

IDEA/iGrad Anchorage - Marc Jong

IDEA/iGrad Eagle River - Jacintha Mezzetti

IDEA/iGrad Fairbanks 

IDEA/iGrad Juneau 

IDEA/iGrad Kenai/Soldotna - Wanda Reams

Insurance Committee

Galena- John Tomac, Rebecca Dunne

Anchorage- Sally Javier

Patient with Healthcare Nurse

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Brief Update from NEA-Alaska: 

The 32nd Session of the Alaska State Legislature is looking promising for students, educators, and our public school system as a whole. Due to strong member participation, legislators have heard loud and clear that structural changes to how we fund our schools, how we educate our students, and how we provide for our educators are desperately needed.

As of this writing, both the House and Senate versions of the operating budget contain additional one-time funding increases for public education. While one-time funding is helpful in the short term, it will not reverse the damaging impacts that inflation has had on school districts’ ability to fund high-quality programs and positions our students deserve. NEA-Alaska is continuing to press legislators to pass permanent fixes to Alaska’s education funding crisis.


Please see their webpage for more details on HB 220 impacting retirement, and SB 111 known as the Alaska Reads Act...








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